Kids Auditions for Pinocchio

Auditions will take place on October 6th from 11AM – 12:30PM at the SIK studio.

Auditions are open to students aged 6+

As is the case with our classes, auditions will begin promptly. We will finish with a Q & A session for parents at 12:00PM. Students who wish to audition will not need to prepare anything, we will have a short session that includes a little singing, a little dancing and role play..

There are limited spaces in the Kids Chorus and we will not be able to offer places to all those who audition. Performance skills as well as behaviour will be taken into account when casting. Those successful will be notified by the evening of October 7th, (via email to parents), that they have made it into the pantomime cast and which performance group they will be in.

Cast Committment

Children auditioning for a part in the show MUST be able to attend 6 rehearsals that will fall outside of class time:

  1. FRIDAY OCT 13th (11am – 12:30pm) – REHEARSAL 1 – At SIK

(Friday, Oct 20th falls during our half-term – no rehearsal)

  1. FRIDAY OCT 27th (11am – 12:30pm) – REHEARSAL 2 – At SIK
  2. FRIDAY NOV 3rd  (11am – 12:30pm)  – REHEARSAL 3  – At SIK
  3. FRIDAY NOV 10th (11am – 12:30pm) – REHEARSAL 4 – At SIK
  4. FRIDAY NOV 17th (11am – 12:30pm) – REHEARSAL 5 – At SIK
  5. FRIDAY NOV 24th (2pm-4pm) – REHEARSAL 6 – In FULL COSTUME – At Gulf British Academy, Salmiya

In addition to the above students will be asked to attend one Dress rehearsal the week of the show at GBA, Salmiya


All of the children will be classic toys in Geppetto’s woodshop who are brought to life for a short while by the Blue Fairy. Each child taking cast will be required to produce their own costume for the show. 

Children will be able to choose their specific costume design, (which will be discussed with parents during the Q & A session post audition.)  Costumes should lean toward classic toys; jack-in-the-boxes, dolls, teddy bears, wooden toys etc. (not super heroes or more modern toys). Children will have an opportunity to design and create basic ideas for their costumes during the early rehearsals but will of course need parents support to complete their final costumes for performance.

Performance Week

There will be two performance groups with a max of 20 children in each group. Each group will perform in 4 performances. 

Performance times listed below are curtain up times. Students will be required from 45 minutes before curtain up, and will be finished one hour after curtain up.


Nov 30th 7.30pm
Dec 1st 7.30pm
Dec 7th 7.30pm
Dec 8th 7.30pm


Dec 1st 2.30pm
Dec 2nd 4pm
Dec 8th 2.30pm
Dec 9th 4pm

If you are happy with the above conditions of participation you can sign up your child(ren) for audition below.  If you have any questions pre-audition please include them in the form below and Bridget, (the director) will get back to you asap.

Sign Up To Audition