As a community theatre we do everything we can to keep our ticket prices and class fees affordable. Your support means everything to us, and we want to reward you for attending our events regularly and taking part in our drama programs.

Every dinar you spend with SIK earns you Loyalty Points that you can redeem against future purchases – tickets or class fees.
So, Enrol Today! It only takes seconds and you it’s all done over WhatsApp.
Enrol Now!
You can enrol and check you Loyalty Points Balance by sending a WhatsApp to SIK’s User Support Automation Number (S.U.S.A.N.). Simply WhatsApp +965 9716-4005 the message “Loyalty Points” (or LP) to get started.
If it’s your first time you will need to confirm the email address you use when making ticket bookings. Once your email is confirmed, our system will total up your recent spend to get you started with some points and let you know if you have enough points to create a discount coupon .
How You Earn
Upon registration you will immediately be allocated points for any tickets or classes you have purchased this season (since September.) For customers who have been active in the current season we will also allocate past points based on their previous season ticket purchases (if applicable) as a Registration bonus. Following registration you will earn points as follows:
- Points worth 7.5% of spend on show tickets
- Points worth 3.5% of spend on class subscriptions
Be sure to always use the same email when booking tickets or enrolling in classes with Staged in Kuwait and your Loyalty Points balance will continue to grow every month! It’s out way of thanking you for being a part of our theatre community.