Past Productions

Nunsense in pictures

Another fantastic set of photos by our resident photographer, Dhari F., capturing the fun and mayhem that ensued when the Little Sisters of Ahmadi took

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Cinderella in Pictures

Another fantastic set of stills from Cinderella captured by our favourite theatrical photographer, Dhari F. Enjoy the colour, splendour and fun of this year’s panto

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Shrek in Pictures

Here are our favourite shots from our master photographer Dhari F. from our summer blockbuster production of Shrek, brought to you be Zain with the

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Aladdin in Pictures

An exhausted community theater cast return to their day jobs today safe in the knowledge that they entertained many many people over the past week

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SYLVIA in pictures

So much can change between dress rehearsal and opening night in the fast moving world of theatre and SIK’s production of A.R.Gurney’s SYLVIA demonstrated that.

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